
Backup/Restore (4)

Tutorial on how to take a backup, restore backup.

Billing & Accounting (11)

Articles related to billing/accounting

cPanel - Control Panel (24)

How to reset cPanel Password, Filemanager, Cronjobs, Style, etc.

Databases (11)

About how to Create, Edit, Delete Database, or Database Username in cPanel.

DNS - Nameservers (6)

Update Domain Nameservers at, Namecheap, Godaddy, DynaDot, LogicBoxes Based Registrar.

Domain Management (10)

How to Remove, Add, Edit Addon Domain, Parked Domains & Redirect Domain.

Email (17)

How to manage cPanel email, Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook 2019.

FTP (9)

How to Create, Delete, Manage cPanel FTP Account.

Mail Filters & SPAM (8)

Boxtrap, SpamAssassin, Mail Filter - Prevent Spam.

Mobile (11)

Tutorial for setting up email on iOS Apple/Android, etc.

Others (3)

How to Fix Errors, Create Friendly URL, Page Redirect, etc.

Security (10)

Password Protected Directory, IP Blacklist, Hotlink Protection, etc.

Softaculous (69)

Tutorials for Softaculous Auto-Installer Software (cPanel).

SSL (5)

Tutorials on generating CSR, cPanel AutoSSL, SSL/TLS, etc.

WHM (13)

Tutorial for WHM - Web Host Manager, manage a server via WHM, Tutorial for Root & Reseller users.

WordPress (17)

Tutorials for WordPress.

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